Hearty, Healthy & Happy
At Coombe Day Nursery Limited, we understand the importance of a healthy balanced diet. We are able to cater for a variety of dietary needs, from allergies to preferences. We provide a healthy and nutritious diet for our children including different cultural meals. All meals are freshly cooked and made on the day in our nursery kitchen.
Our experienced nursery chef creates a delicious menu, which included your children enjoying fresh fruit and vegetables daily and we do not add salt or sugar to any of our meals.
Our menus offer children a wide variety of meals
that offers seasonal choices and diversity.
We have a 3 week rolling summer & winter.
Outdoor Play
We believe that every child should have a balanced life style that incorporates outdoor learning opportunities and exploration.
On a daily basis your child can expect to play in our specially designed garden to enhance their learning and creativity. We promote a free-flow policy where the children can make their own choices, where they have access to the outside area.
Our outside area is filled with dens and slides, construction areas, physical push bikes and cars, sand and water areas and free access to garden trunks, filled with toys the children can self select and explore.
Each day we set up the garden with a variety of activities that will help children to experiment, stimulate, investigate and build relationships with friends.